iPhone AIM App: How to switch accounts.

iPhone AIM AppThe newly released AIM client for the iPhone is pretty cool, but it still needs some improvements to be a killer app. One issue I’ve come across is how to switch between various accounts. There doesn’t seem to be a way to store multiple AIM logins and switch between them quickly. The only way this seems possible to is edit your login infomation. The hardest part was figuring out where to edit the settings. This is because your AIM settings are stored inthe iPhone’s Settings page rather than within the AIM app. So here is how to switch accounts using the iPhone AIM App:

  1. Click the “Home” button
  2. Tap the “Settings” icon
  3. Scroll down to the “AIM” section and tap it
  4. Edit the “Screenname” and “Password” to match the account you want to log in
  5. Tap “Settings” at the top to return to the Settings screen
  6. Click the “Home” button to return to your Home Screen
  7. Tap the “AIM” account to launch the app

That’s the only way I’ve found to switch accounts in the iPhone AIM App. Hopefully AIM will update their app to facilitate this process, and hopefully they will keep it within the AIM App. It seems silly to me that you have to quit the AIM App to edit your settings. It would be better if all AIM settings could be edited directly within the app.

One response to “iPhone AIM App: How to switch accounts.”

  1. david says:

    This is so true! They should make it like it is in iChat with multiple accounts, and, at best with Bonjour Support! That’d be great!