iPhone haters: Quit calculating Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

One argument I see people using against the iPhone is the cost. Granted, $499-$599 is a bit pricey, but what really gets me angry is when people use the flawed argument that the total cost of owning an iPhone is “$2,600-$3,200” if you factor in the cost of the service contract. While that may be true, so what? Lets use some analogies:

  • That new car you bought wasn’t $20,000, it was $200,000. You forgot to factor in the cost of fuel and insurance over the life of the car!
  • That new computer you bought wasn’t $999, it was $10,000. You forgot to factor in the price of your ISP and electrical bills!
  • That new flat-screen TV you just bought wasn’t $1,200, it was $8,000. You forgot to factor in the price of your cable box and service over the next 2 years!
  • You really should stop drinking beer, it’ll cost you $5,000 over the next couple years!

See how ridiculous those arguments sound? Arguing that the iPhone will cost $3k is just as ridiculous. While the claim may be true, no one truly considers ancillary costs when making a purchase like this. It’s a disingenuous and dishonest argument used by people who are trying to find fault with this wonderful new device.

Not to mention the fact that no one is producing similar costs for rival phones in their arguments. I wonder what the TCO for a Crackberry is? I’d like to see that number compared to the iPhone’s. Maybe then we can start a decent dialogue about the iPhone vs. its rivals when it comes to cost.

Helpful World of Warcraft Macros: Priest

Below you will find a collection of my favorite Priest macros for World of Warcraft. You may want to adjust the strings or ranks of spells to your liking. Some of these may look messy because they’ve been condensed to fit into the 255 character limit.


This will send a message to your /raid, /party, or /say channel when you are resurrecting a dead comrade:
#showtooltip Resurrection
/run if GetNumRaidMembers()>0 then chan="RAID" elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then chan="PARTY" else chan="SAY" end
/run SendChatMessage(">>> Rezzing "..UnitName("target").." <<<",chan)
/cast Resurrection

Shackle Undead

This macro will first shackle your current target and set that target to be your focus target. This will allow you to reshackle a mob without having to retarget it. Right or shift clicking will allow you to shackle your current target. The macro will also interupt any spells currently being cast when triggered. It also will yell out what you are shackling so that party members won’t break your shackles. (Taken from Wowwiki)
#showtooltip Shackle Undead
/clearfocus [button:2] [target=focus,dead] [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/stopmacro [target=focus,noharm]
/yell >>> SHACKLING %f <<<
/cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead

Helpful World of Warcraft Macros: General

Below you will find a collection of my favorite general macros that can be useful to all classes in World of Warcraft. You may want to adjust the strings or ranks of spells to your liking. Some of these may look messy because they’ve been condensed to fit into the 255 character limit.


Instead of having multiple actionbar buttons for each of your mounts, the following macro will intelligently use the most applicable mount to your specific environment. If you are in a flyable area, your flying mount will be used, otherwise your regular land mount will be used.
/cast [nomounted,flyable] Green Windrider
/use [nomounted,outdoors] Swift Olive Raptor

Helpful World of Warcraft Macros: Shaman

Below you will find a collection of my favorite Shaman macros for World of Warcraft. You may want to adjust the strings or ranks of spells to your liking. Some of these may look messy because they’ve been condensed to fit into the 255 character limit.

Ancestral Spirit

This will send a message to your /raid, /party, or /say channel when you are resurrecting a dead comrade:
#showtooltip Ancestral Spirit
/run if GetNumRaidMembers()>0 then chan="RAID" elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then chan="PARTY" else chan="SAY" end
/run SendChatMessage(">>> Rezzing "..UnitName("target").." <<<",chan)
/cast Ancestral Spirit

Ghost Wolf, Flying, and Land Mounts

This macro will intelligently select the best mount for your particular environment. If you are in combat, Ghost Wolf will be used. If you are not in combat and are in a flyable area, your flying mount will be used. Otherwise, your regular land mount will be used. (Taken from Wowwiki)
/cast [Stance:1] Ghost Wolf
/cast [button:2] Ghost wolf
/cast [nomounted,flyable] Green Windrider
/use [nomounted,outdoors] Swift Olive Raptor
/cast [combat,nomounted,outdoors] Ghost Wolf

PostfixAdmin – Virtual Vacation warning: connect to transport vacation

When trying to enable vacation/out-of-office support to our PostfixAdmin setup, I came across an error in /var/log/maillog:

Jun 19 11:52:10 host postfix/qmgr[5084]: warning: connect to transport vacation: No such file or directory

Turns out there is a typo in VIRTUAL_VACATION/INSTALL.txt. It tells you to add a service named “filter” to your master.cf file, but it should actually be named “vacation” like so:

vacation unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vacation argv=/var/spool/vacation/vacation.pl